The European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC), is a non-profit organisation comprised of Nurses, Doctors and Allied Healthcare Professionals* who are committed to share knowledge and improve the quality of paediatric and neonatal intensive care at the European and international level.

*Allied Health Professional: involved in the field of Paediatric Intensive Care Medicine, e.g. physiotherapists, play therapists, psychologists, occupational therapists, dieticians and pharmacists
Membership benefits include:
- Reduced registration fees to all ESPNIC events and congresses, including Winter/Summer Schools, BASIC Courses, etc.
Free online access to Intensive Care Medicine (ICM), the official journal of ESPNIC - Reduced subscription fees for Nursing in Critical Care Journal (for nursing members and AHPs)
- Eligibility to apply for ESPNIC grants and awards which in 2019 amount to more than 14,000 Euro
- Free access to ESPNIC e-learning through the ESPNIC Academy Website
- Preferential registration fees for the EPIC Diploma™ exams – Part I and Part II
- Monthly Newsletter
- Possibility for scientific research activities as part of ESPNIC Sections or Working Groups
- Access to networking opportunities with the leading experts in the fields of PICU & NICU